用了 GitHub, 學到 Nodejs, 路過 Hexo, 到了這裡
安裝各種有趣 ?
Hexo 第一步
- 請先把 Nodejs 和 npm 架設好
- 下載 Hexo 1$ npm install hexo -g
- 安裝到你的目標目錄下1$ hexo init blog && cd blog
- 以下操作會將文章從 markdown 檔案產生關聯1$ hexo generate
- 開啟 Server, 使用於本地調效, 之後可連到 http://localhost:4000/ 查看1$ hexo server
Hexo 日常問題
12345678910$ hexo new [layout]$ hexo new "New Post"# => The file will be created at source/_posts/$ hexo new page "New Page"# => The file will be created at source/new-page/index.html$ hexo new draft "New Draft"# => The file will be created at source/_drafts/new-draft.md文章標籤使用
1234title: Start Hexo !date: 2014-04-10 19:40:22tags: [hexo, image]categories: About This Blog文章代碼高亮
123{\% codeblock \%}your code here. 自行去掉反斜線{\% endcodeblock \%}
Hexo 個人化問題
修改主題, 修改完畢後, 請進行以下操作來對 deploy 運行, style.css 才會正確, 本地查閱不影響
123$ hexo clean$ hexo generate$ hexo deploy與 github page 連接做靜態操作
blog_folder/_config.yml 123456# Deployment## Docs: githubrepository: master
RSS 設定
blog_folder/_config.yml 12345678910# Pluginsplugins:- hexo-generator-feed- hexo-generator-sitemap# RSS hexo-generator-feedfeed:type: atompath: atom.xmllimit: 20BLOG 主題 pacman 配置 - 增加文章列表圖片 (詳見
blog_folder/theme/pacman/layout/_partial/post/article.ejs 123<@ if(item.content.indexOf('<img src="') >= 0) { @><p itemprop="description"><img style='float:left;margin:5px;height:80px;' src="<@- item.content.substring(item.content.indexOf('src="', item.content.indexOf('<img src="')) + 5, item.content.indexOf('"', item.content.indexOf('<img src="') + 11)) @>"><@= strip_html(item.content).replace(/^\s*/, '').replace(/\s*$/, '').substring(0, 140) @></p>BLOG 主題 pacman 配置 - 色彩配置
blog_folder/theme/pacman/css/_base/variable.styl 1234567891011121314151617color-background = #1f1f1fcolor-font = #ffffffcolor-white = #ffffffcolor-blue = #2ca6cbcolor-theme = #1f1f1fcolor-font-nav =#E9CD4Ccolor-section = #272822color-footer = #1f1f1fcolor-gray = #CCCcolor-heading = #333333color-code = #eeecolor-twitter = #00acedcolor-facebook = #3b5998color-weibo = #eb182ccolor-google = #dd4b39color-qrcode= #49ae0fcolor-top = #762c54