[ACM 題目] 動態前綴
UVa 12538 - Version Controlled IDE
UVa 12821 - Double Shortest Paths
UVa 12818 - Arc and Point
UVa 12685 - Binary Tree
UVa 11964 - Equation
UVa 11972 - Round Trip
UVa 12812 - The Largest Diamond-Shaped Kite
UVa 12811 - The Turtle's Journey
UVa 12810 - Sumthing
UVa 12809 - Binary Search Tree
UVa 12786 - Friendship Networks
UVa 12776 - Query for Divisor-free Numbers
UVa 12775 - Gift Dilemma
UVa 12607 - Amazing Maze
計算幾何 - 期中考練習
計算幾何 - HW03
自然語言處理 - HW01
[通識] 文明的進程 Week 5
[ACM 題目] 最近餐館
UVa 12524 - Arranging Heaps
UVa 12141 - Line Chart
UVa 11910 - Closest Fractions
UVa 11768 - Lattice Point or Not
UVa 11731 - Ex-circles
UVa 10794 - The Deadly Olympic Returns
UVa 1627 - Team them up
UVa 1390 - Interconnect
UVa 1383 - Harmony Forever
UVa 1182 - Sequence Alignment