UVa 12017 - Imitation
UVa 12011 - Complete the Set
UVa 11587 - Brick Game
UVa 11071 - Permutation Representation
UVa 10694 - Combinatorial Summation
UVa 1635 - Irrelevant Elements
UVa 1594 - Ducci Sequence
UVa 1590 - IP Networks
UVa 816 - Abbott's Revenge
UVa 721 - Invitation Cards
UVa 561 - Jackpot
UVa 560 - Magic
UVa 358 - Don't Have A Cow
UVa 12654 - Patches
UVa 12648 - Boss
UVa 12489 - Combating cancer
UVa 12486 - Space Elevator
UVa 12484 - Cards
UVa 12483 - Toboggan of Marbles
UVa 12446 - How Many... in 3D!
UVa 12436 - Rip Van Winkle's Code
UVa 12396 - Remoteland
UVa 12368 - Candles
UVa 12363 - Hedge Mazes
UVa 12365 - Jupiter Atacks
UVa 12357 - Ball Stacking
UVa 12338 - Anti-Rhyme Pairs
UVa 12316 - Sewing Buttons with Grandma
UVa 12302 - Nine-Point Circle
UVa 12300 - Smallest Regular Polygon