UVa 134 - Loglan-A Logical Language
大神面試紀錄 Hardware Interview
ICPC 4020 - Hard Rode
UVa 10320 - Cow Trouble! Help Please
計算型智慧 程式作業
UVa 12717 - Fiasco
UVa 12716 - GCD XOR
Markdown 檔格式
作業系統 Thread 程式作業
論文選讀 Agile Development and User Experience Design ...
Yacc 與 Lex 練習 - UVa 11291
UVa 1636 - Headshot
UVa 1644 - Prime Gap
編譯器 Compiler CFG LL(1)
UVa 10378 - Complex Numbers
UVa 1572 - Self-Assembly
POJ 1166 - The Clocks
UVa 10040 - Ouroboros Snake
UVa 10089 - Repackaging
UVa 12544 - Beehives
UVa 10603 - Fill
UVa 12670 - Counting ones
UVa 1449 - Dominating Patterns
UVa 1494 - Qin Shi Huang's National Road System
UVa 1417 - Traffic Jam
UVa 1608 - Non-boring sequences
UVa 12345 - Dynamic len(set(a[L:R]))
CCPC 2014 中程杯紀錄
HTML5 Music Player (本地拖曳撥放)
程序设计实习 MOOC Week 6(待補)