Plugin & Design
- School
- ACMer
- Chat Room ApplicationSimple Chat Room with online game
Socket programming practice (Java) - Fuzzy SystemCar simulation implements PSO, GA, and fuzzy system (Java)
- UML EditorOO design practice & make UML Editor (Java)
- Maple Story Chat RoomAdditional products from Chat Room Application (Java)
- Magic Circlejquery-magic-circle, write funny for friends
- Hex Image Gallerycreate beautiful hexagon shapes with CSS3, jquery, write funny for friends
- Sentiment ClassificationPassive-Aggressive Algorithm, Language Modeling, and Winnow algorithm.
- Game-MakerUI design with Cognitive Style & Game design rule
- Judge System - JudgeGirlOnline judge system for course in National Taiwan University
- UVa Online JudgeSolved 3000+ problems
Username: morris821028
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